
Albinos: Meaning in Telugu

Albinos is a term used to describe individuals who have a congenital disorder called albinism. In Telugu, albinos can be referred to as అల్బినోస్ (albinos).

Pronunciation of Albinos

Albinos is pronounced as /ælˈbaɪnoʊz/.

Synonyms of Albinos

Some synonyms for albinos include:

  • Albino individuals
  • People with albinism
  • Albino people

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to albinos:

  • Noun: Albinism (అల్బినిజం) – A congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes.
  • Noun: Albite (అల్బైట్) – A mineral of the feldspar group, typically occurring as white or pinkish crystals.
  • Noun: Albumin (ఆల్బ్యూమిన్) – A simple form of protein that is soluble in water and coagulable by heat, such as that found in egg white, milk, and blood serum.

Example sentences:

  1. అల్బినిజం ఒక జన్మజాత వికారం అయిన అల్బినోస్ వ్యక్తులు ఉన్నారు (Albinism is a congenital disorder in which albinos have a lack of pigmentation).
  2. అల్బైట్ ఒక రంగులో లేని ఖనిజం (Albite is a mineral without color).
  3. ఆల్బ్యూమిన్ మందులో, పాలులో మరియు రక్తపు సీరంలో కనిపించే ప్రోటీన్ రకం (Albumin is a type of protein found in saliva, milk, and blood serum).


The antonym for albinos in Telugu is కప్పువాన్ని (kappuvanni).


For more information about albinos, you can visit the following websites:


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