al so


Al so is an adverb that means “in addition” or “as well.” It is used to introduce an additional point or to indicate that something is true in another situation.


(al so)


Additionally, furthermore, moreover, likewise, too, besides.

Nearby Words

  • Also-ran (noun) – కూడా రానివారిని సూచించే పదం (kooda ranivāri ni sūciṇcē padaṁ) – A person who is not successful in a competition or race.
  • Alone (adjective) – ఒక్కటిగా (okkaṭigā) – Being by oneself; without anyone or anything else.
  • Also known as (phrase) – కూడా తెలిసినవి (kooda telisinavi) – Used to introduce an alternative name or title for someone or something.
  1. He is an also-ran in the marathon. (noun)
  2. I prefer to be alone sometimes. (adjective)
  3. John Lennon, also known as the lead singer of The Beatles, was a legendary musician. (phrase)


Exclude, omit, disregard, reject, eliminate.

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