
Akin Meaning in Telugu

సమానమైన, సంబంధించిన, సమానమైన అర్థం ఉండే

Pronunciation of Akin


Akin Synonyms

related, similar, alike, comparable, analogous

Nearby Words

Noun: family, relation, kin, kinsman, kinswoman
Adjective: similar, related, alike, comparable, analogous
Verb: relate, connect, associate, link, join
Adverb: similarly, likewise, equally, correspondingly, comparably

– My kin and I are planning a family reunion.
– She is my distant relation on my mother’s side.
– He is my kinsman and has always been there for me.
– She is my kinswoman and we share a strong bond.

– The two paintings have a similar style.
– The stories have a related theme of love and loss.
– The twins look so alike that it’s hard to tell them apart.
– The prices of the two products are comparable.
– The situation is analogous to what happened last year.

– I can relate to her struggles as I have been through something similar.
– The two incidents connect in a way that is hard to ignore.
– He associates with people from different backgrounds.
– The two companies decided to link their resources for a joint project.
– The bridge will join the two cities, making transportation easier.

– She treated me similarly to how she treated her own children.
– I feel the same way, likewise.
– The two teams performed equally well in the competition.
– The results of the two experiments were correspondingly similar.
– The two cars are comparably priced.


విరుద్ధార్థం: విరుద్ధమైన




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