Agamic: Meaning and Pronunciation
Agamic is a term that originates from the Telugu language. In Telugu, it is written as ఆగామిక. The pronunciation of agamic is a-ga-mik (italic font).
Synonyms of Agamic
Some synonyms of agamic include:
- Nonsexual
- Asocial
- Nonreproductive
Nearby Words
Here are some nearby words with their parts of speech and meanings in Telugu:
- Agamogenesis (noun) – ఆగమోజననం, The reproduction of offspring without the involvement of gametes.
- Agamogenetic (adjective) – ఆగమోజెనెటిక్, Relating to or characterized by agamogenesis.
- Agamogony (noun) – ఆగమోగోనీ, The process of agamogenesis.
Example sentences:
- Agamogenesis is a form of reproduction found in certain organisms.
- The agamogenetic process allows for the creation of offspring without the need for fertilization.
- Agamogony is a fascinating biological phenomenon.
The antonym of agamic in Telugu is లైంగిక (laingika).
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