
Affluent: Meaning and Pronunciation

Affluent is an English word that refers to someone who is wealthy or has a plentiful supply of money, possessions, or resources. In Telugu, it can be translated as ధనవంతుడు (dhanavanthudu), సమృద్ధివంతుడు (samriddhivantudu), or ఆదిపతి (aadipathi).

Pronunciation: uh-floo-uhnt

Synonyms of Affluent

Some synonyms of affluent include:

  • Wealthy
  • Rich
  • Prosperous
  • Well-to-do
  • Opulent

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their parts of speech and meanings in Telugu:

  • Wealth (Noun) – ఆస్తి (aasthi) – An abundance of valuable possessions or money.
  • Prosperity (Noun) – సమృద్ధి (samriddhi) – The state of being successful or thriving, especially financially.
  • Opulence (Noun) – ఆపరాధ (aaparaadha) – Great wealth or luxuriousness.
  • Abundance (Noun) – ప్రచురత (prachuratha) – A very large quantity of something.

Example sentences:

  1. He is an affluent businessman who owns multiple companies. (ఆతను మరెక్కడిని కంపెనీలను కలుగుతున్న ధనవంతుడు.)
  2. The affluent neighborhood is known for its luxurious mansions. (ధనవంతుల పట్టణంలో ఆపరాధిక మన్షన్లతో పరిచయం ఉంది.)


The antonym of affluent is “poor” in English. In Telugu, it can be translated as బడ్డ (badda).

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