
Adjourns: Meaning and Pronunciation in Telugu

Adjourns is an English word that has several meanings in Telugu. The word can be translated into Telugu as follows:

1. ఆదివారం పూర్తి చేసుకోవడం (ādivāraṁ pūrti cēsukōvaḍaṁ) – to complete something on Sunday

2. ఆదివారం పూర్తి చేసుకోవడం (ādivāraṁ pūrti cēsukōvaḍaṁ) – to finish something on Sunday

3. ఆదివారం పూర్తి చేసుకోవడం (ādivāraṁ pūrti cēsukōvaḍaṁ) – to conclude something on Sunday

Pronunciation: [uh-jurnz]

Synonyms of Adjourns

Some synonyms of adjourns include:

1. Postpone

2. Suspend

3. Delay

4. Defer

Nearby Words

1. Adjudge (verb) – న్యాయం చేయు (nyāyaṁ cēyu) – The judge will adjudge the case fairly.

2. Adjudicate (verb) – న్యాయం చేయు (nyāyaṁ cēyu) – The panel will adjudicate on the matter.

3. Adjunct (noun) – సంబంధితమైన (sambandhitamaina) – The professor’s assistant is an adjunct to the department.

4. Adjuration (noun) – ఆపత్తు (āpattu) – The witness gave an adjuration before testifying.


The antonym of adjourns in Telugu is ప్రారంభించు (prāraṁbhincu), which means “to begin” or “to start.”

Learn More

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