
Acquitted: Meaning and Pronunciation

Acquitted is an English word that refers to the act of being declared not guilty, especially in a court of law. It is pronounced as /əˈkwɪtɪd/.

Synonyms of Acquitted

Some synonyms of acquitted include:

  • Cleared
  • Exonerated
  • Vindicated
  • Absolved
  • Declared innocent

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their parts of speech and meanings in Telugu:

  • Acquaintance (Noun) – పరిచయం, పరిచయము
  • Acquiesce (Verb) – ఒప్పుకునేందుకు సమ్మతించు, సమ్మతించు
  • Acquire (Verb) – పొందు, సంపాదించు
  • Acquisition (Noun) – సంపాదన, పొందుపరచు

Example sentences:

  1. The defendant was acquitted of all charges.
  2. The jury unanimously acquitted the accused.
  3. After a long trial, the judge finally acquitted the defendant.


The antonym of acquitted in Telugu is “దోషితుడు” (Dōṣituḍu).

For more information, you can refer to the following sources:

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