
Acculturation: Meaning and Pronunciation

Acculturation is a term used to describe the process of cultural change that occurs when two different cultures come into contact with each other. It refers to the exchange of cultural features and practices between different groups, resulting in a blend of traditions and customs.

In Telugu, acculturation can be translated as సంస్కృతిక సమాకరణ (sanskritika samaakarana).

Pronunciation: (ak-uhl-cher-ey-shuhn)

Synonyms of Acculturation

1. Assimilation
2. Integration
3. Cultural exchange
4. Adaptation
5. Cultural fusion

Nearby Words

1. Cultural diversity (Noun) – సంస్కృతిక వివిధత (sanskritika vividhata) – The state of having different cultures within a society.

2. Cultural heritage (Noun) – సంస్కృతిక పురాతనాలు (sanskritika puraatanaalu) – The traditions, customs, and artifacts that are passed down from generation to generation.

3. Cultural assimilation (Noun) – సంస్కృతిక సమాకరణ (sanskritika samaakarana) – The process by which a person or group adopts the cultural practices of another group.

Example Sentences

1. The acculturation of immigrants into a new society can be a challenging process.

2. The festival showcased the acculturation of various traditions and customs.

3. Acculturation leads to the enrichment of both cultures involved.


The antonym of acculturation in Telugu is సంస్కృతిక విభజన (sanskritika vibhajana).


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