Part of Speech: Noun
Pronunciation: /æbˈnɔːrmɪti/ (ab-NOR-mi-tee)
Meanings in Telugu:
- అసాధారణత (asādhāraṇata) – Unusualness
- విషమత (viṣamata) – Irregularity
- అసామాన్యత (asāmānyata) – Abnormality
- Anomaly
- Deviation
- Oddity
- Irregularity
Nearby Words:
- Abnormal – అసామాన్య (asāmānya)
- Abnormally – అసామాన్యంగా (asāmānyaṁgā)
- Abnormities – అసాధారణతలు (asādhāraṇatalu)
- Abnormous – అసామాన్య (asāmānya)
- Normal – సాధారణ (sādhāraṇa)
- Typical – సాధారణ (sādhāraṇa)
- Regular – నియమిత (niyamita)
- Conventional – సాంప్రదాయిక (sāmpradāyika)
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Abnormity refers to the state or quality of being abnormal, unusual, or irregular. It is a noun and pronounced as /æbˈnɔːrmɪti/ (ab-NOR-mi-tee). In Telugu, it can be understood as “అసాధారణత” (asādhāraṇata), “విషమత” (viṣamata), or “అసామాన్యత” (asāmānyata).
Some synonyms of abnormity include anomaly, deviation, oddity, and irregularity. These words convey a similar meaning of something being different or not conforming to the usual standards or norms.
When looking at nearby words, we find “abnormal” (అసామాన్య), “abnormally” (అసామాన్యంగా), “abnormities” (అసాధారణతలు), and “abnormous” (అసామాన్య) in Telugu.
Antonyms of abnormity include “normal” (సాధారణ), “typical” (సాధారణ), “regular” (నియమిత), and “conventional” (సాంప్రదాయిక).
For further information and detailed definitions, you can visit Dictionary.com, Wikipedia.org, and TheFreeDictionary.com.