

Part of Speech: adjective

Pronunciation: (uh-bask)

Meanings of abask in Telugu:

  1. సూర్యని ప్రకాశించు (sūryaniprakāśin̄cu) – basking in the sun
  2. సూర్యప్రకాశంలో ఉన్న (sūryaprakāśaṁlō unna) – exposed to sunlight

Synonyms of abask:

  • sunbathe
  • bask
  • sun-soaked
  • sun-drenched

Nearby words:

  1. abandon – విడిచిపెట్టు (viḍicipettu)
  2. abandoned – విడిచిపెట్టబడిన (viḍicipettabaḍina)
  3. abandonment – విడిచిపెట్టిన (viḍicipettiṇa)
  4. abase – పడుపుగా పడుపుగా చేయు (paḍupugā paḍupugā cēyu)


  • shade – ఛాయ (chāya)
  • shadow – ఛాయ (chāya)
  • cover – మూపు (mūpu)
  • shelter – ఆశ్రయం (āśrayaṁ)

For more information, you can refer to the following sources:

  1. dictionary.com
  2. wikipedia.org
  3. thefreedictionary.com

Abask is an adjective in English that describes the act of basking in the sun or being exposed to sunlight. In Telugu, it has two main meanings. The first meaning is “సూర్యని ప్రకాశించు” (sūryaniprakāśin̄cu), which translates to “basking in the sun.” The second meaning is “సూర్యప్రకాశంలో ఉన్న” (sūryaprakāśaṁlō unna), which means “exposed to sunlight.”

Some synonyms of abask include “sunbathe,” “bask,” “sun-soaked,” and “sun-drenched.” These words can be used interchangeably to convey the same idea.

When looking for antonyms of abask, words like “shade,” “shadow,” “cover,” and “shelter” can be used. These words represent the opposite of being exposed to sunlight or basking in the sun.

For further information and a more detailed explanation, you can visit the following sources:

  1. dictionary.com
  2. wikipedia.org
  3. thefreedictionary.com

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