
Ajar Meaning in Telugu

తెరవడం, తెరవడంలో

Pronunciation of Ajar


Ajar Synonyms

partly open, slightly open, not shut, unclosed

Nearby Words

1. Adjacent (adjective) – పక్కపక్కన, సన్నిహిత, సన్నిహితంగా, పక్కపక్కనంగా – next to or adjoining something else.

Example: The grocery store is adjacent to the bank.

2. Ajar (adjective) – తెరవడం, తెరవడంలో – slightly open or not shut.

Example: The door was left ajar, allowing a cool breeze to enter the room.

3. Alarm (noun) – అలారం, ఆలరం, ఆలరంలో – a sudden fear or distressing suspense caused by an awareness of danger.

Example: The loud alarm woke everyone up in the building.


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