Aftercare: Meaning and Pronunciation
Aftercare is a noun that refers to the care and support provided to someone after a particular event or treatment. It can also mean the maintenance and follow-up required for a specific activity or process.
Pronunciation: af-ter-kair (italic)
Synonyms of Aftercare
1. Post-treatment
2. Follow-up care
3. Rehabilitation
4. Maintenance
5. Support
Nearby Words
1. Aftereffect (noun) – తర్వాత ప్రభావం, తర్వాత పరిణామం
Example: The aftereffect of the medication lasted for several hours.
2. Aftermath (noun) – తర్వాత పరిణామం, తర్వాత ప్రభావం
Example: The aftermath of the earthquake was devastating.
3. Afterthought (noun) – తర్వాత ఆలోచన
Example: The decision to include an afterthought in the report was made at the last minute.
4. Afterward (adverb) – తర్వాత, తర్వాత తర్వాత
Example: She realized her mistake afterward.
5. Afterlife (noun) – తర్వాత జీవితం, మరణాంతర జీవితం
Example: Many people believe in an afterlife.
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