
Detoxification: Meaning in Nepali, Parts of Speech, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Nearby Words

Meaning in Nepali:
1. Detoxification: शरीरबाट विषाको निकास गर्ने प्रक्रिया
2. Detoxification: शरीरबाट विषाको निकास गर्ने क्रिया
3. Detoxification: शरीरबाट विषाको निकास गर्ने तरिका

Parts of Speech:
Detoxification is a noun.

1. Cleansing: शुद्धि
2. Purification: शुद्धिकरण
3. Elimination: निकास
4. Flushing: धुलाई
5. Detoxication: विषशोधन

1. Contamination: प्रदूषण (Nepali meaning: अपशुद्धि)
2. Pollution: प्रदूषण (Nepali meaning: प्रदूषण)
3. Toxin: विष (Nepali meaning: विष)

Nearby Words:
1. Detoxify (Verb): विषशोधन गर्नु
2. Detoxifying (Adjective): विषशोधनको
3. Detoxified (Adjective): विषशोधित
4. Detoxifies (Verb): विषशोधन गर्छ
5. Detoxification process (Noun): विषशोधन प्रक्रिया
6. Detoxification therapy (Noun): विषशोधन चिकित्सा

Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. It is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. The term “detoxification” is derived from the words “detox” and “ification,” which mean the removal of toxins and the process of doing so, respectively.

Detoxification is a crucial process as it helps eliminate harmful substances that can accumulate in the body due to various factors such as pollution, unhealthy diet, and lifestyle choices. By removing these toxins, the body can function optimally and prevent the onset of diseases.

Synonyms for detoxification include cleansing, purification, elimination, flushing, and detoxication. These words highlight the essence of removing toxins from the body to promote better health.

Antonyms of detoxification are contamination, pollution, and toxin. These words represent the opposite of detoxification, emphasizing the presence of harmful substances in the body.

Some nearby words related to detoxification are detoxify, detoxifying, detoxified, detoxifies, detoxification process, and detoxification therapy. These words provide a broader understanding of the concept and its various aspects.

In conclusion, detoxification plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy body. By understanding its meaning, parts of speech, synonyms, antonyms, and nearby words in Nepali, individuals can grasp the significance of this process and its impact on overall well-being.