bag of bones

Bag of Bones Meaning in Nepali

Meanings: अस्थिमय बोका, हड्डीको थैली, अस्थिमय बोका, हड्डीको थैली

Nearby Words:

Noun: Bag (थैली), Bones (हड्डीहरू)

Part of Speech:



(bag of bones) [bag uhv bohnz]

Bag of Bones Synonyms:

1. Skeleton (खोपडी)

2. Cadaver (शव)

3. Corpse (मृत्युशरीर)

4. Remains (अवशेष)

5. Carcass (मृत्युशरीर)

6. Decayed Body (बिरामी शरीर)

Description and Origination:

Bag of Bones is a phrase used to describe someone who is extremely thin or emaciated, often to the point where their bones are visible. It is a metaphorical expression that compares a person’s body to a bag filled with bones. This phrase originated from the idea that when a person loses a significant amount of weight or is malnourished, their body becomes skeletal, resembling a bag filled with bones.


1. Well-built (ठुलो निर्मित)

2. Plump (मोटा)

3. Stout (मोटा)

4. Chubby (मोटा)

5. Curvy (वक्र)

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