
Badlands Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings: खराब भूमि, खराब भूभागहरू, खराब भूभाग, खराब भूखण्ड, खराब भूखण्डहरू

Part of Speech:

Badlands is a noun.



Badlands Synonyms:

1. Wasteland – विषम भूमि

2. Barren – उपजहिन

3. Desolate – उजाड

4. Infertile – अशिष्ट

5. Arid – शुष्क

6. Unproductive – अप्रभावी

Description and Origination of Badlands:

Badlands refer to a type of terrain characterized by rugged, barren, and eroded landforms. These areas are typically devoid of vegetation and are often marked by deep canyons, sharp cliffs, and intricate rock formations. The term “badlands” originated from the Lakota Sioux word “mako sica,” which translates to “land bad.” The unique geological features of badlands are formed due to the rapid erosion of soft sedimentary rocks, resulting in the exposed layers of different colors and textures.


1. Fertile – उपजाऊ

2. Productive – प्रभावी

3. Lush – हरियो

4. Flourishing – फूल्ने

5. Verdant – हरियो रंगको

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