
Badgering Meaning in Nepali

Badgering, बाड़म्बारी (noun)

Badgering, बाड़म्बारी गर्ने (verb)

Part of Speech of Badgering

Noun, Verb

Pronunciation of Badgering


Badgering Synonyms

1. Harassment – उत्पीडन

2. Pestering – त्रास दिनु

3. Nagging – निराशा दिनु

4. Bothering – झिझक दिनु

5. Irritating – चिडाउनु

6. Tormenting – पीडात्मक

Description and Origination of Badgering

Badgering refers to the act of persistently annoying or harassing someone. It can involve repeatedly asking or pressuring someone to do something, causing distress or irritation. The term “badgering” originated from the behavior of badgers, known for their persistence and tenacity when hunting or defending their territory.


1. Assisting – सहायता गर्नु

2. Supporting – समर्थन गर्नु

3. Encouraging – प्रोत्साहन गर्नु

4. Comforting – सान्त्वना दिनु

5. Soothing – शान्ति दिनु

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