
Baddream Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings of Baddream:

1. खराब सपना (noun)

2. अशुभ स्वप्न (noun)

3. बुरा सपना (noun)

4. डरलाग्दो स्वप्न (noun)

5. अशुभ ख्याल (noun)

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: (bad-dreem)

Baddream Synonyms:

1. Nightmare – डरलाग्दो स्वप्न

2. Bad omen – अशुभ संकेत

3. Horror – भयानकता

4. Frightening dream – डराउने स्वप्न

5. Disturbing vision – अस्थिर दृश्य

Description and Origination of Baddream:

A baddream refers to a disturbing or frightening dream that causes fear, anxiety, or unease. It is often associated with negative emotions and can leave a lasting impact on the dreamer. Baddreams can vary in content and intensity, ranging from common fears to surreal and bizarre scenarios. They can be influenced by personal experiences, subconscious thoughts, or external factors. Baddreams can disrupt sleep and affect overall well-being. Understanding the meaning and symbolism behind baddreams can help individuals process their emotions and fears.


1. Pleasant dream – सुखद स्वप्न

2. Good omen – शुभ संकेत

3. Sweet dream – मिठो स्वप्न

4. Peaceful sleep – शान्तिपूर्ण निद्रा

5. Positive vision – सकारात्मक दृश्य

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