Author Meaning in Nepali: लेखक, लेखाकार, लेखाने व्यक्ति
Nearby Words:
Noun: Writer (लेखक), Novelist (नवलकथा लेखक), Poet (कवि), Playwright (नाटककार), Journalist (पत्रकार)
Verb: Write (लेख्नु), Compose (रचना गर्नु), Create (सिर्जना गर्नु), Draft (ड्राफ्ट तयार गर्नु), Pen (लेख्नु)
Part of Speech:
Author Synonyms:
Writer (लेखक), Wordsmith (शब्दकार), Scribe (लेखक), Wordslinger (शब्दचारी), Penman (लेखक)
Description: The term “author” refers to a person who writes or creates literary works such as books, novels, poems, plays, or articles. In Nepali, the word “author” can be translated as “लेखक” (lekhaakar), “लेखाकार” (lekhaakaar), or “लेखाने व्यक्ति” (lekhaane vyakti).
Origination of Author:
The word “author” originated from the Latin word “auctor,” which means “originator” or “promoter.” It has been used in English since the 14th century to refer to someone who creates or produces a written work.
Reader (पाठक), Audience (दर्शक), Listener (सुनुवार)
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