
Atavistic Meaning in Nepali: आताविक, पुरानोपुरानो, पुरानो रूपमा, पुरानो रूपमा फर्किएको, पुरानो रूपमा फर्किएको रूपमा

Nearby Words:

Noun: आताविकता, आताविकताले, आताविकताको

Adjective: आताविक, पुरानोपुरानो, पुरानो रूपमा, पुरानो रूपमा फर्किएको, पुरानो रूपमा फर्किएको रूपमा

Part of Speech of Atavistic:


Pronunciation of Atavistic:


Atavistic Synonyms:

1. Primitive (प्राचीन)

2. Ancestral (पूर्वजातीय)

3. Throwback (पुरानो रूपमा फर्किएको)

4. Retrograde (पुरानो रूपमा फर्किएको)

5. Regressive (पुरानो रूपमा फर्किएको)

6. Reversionary (पुरानो रूपमा फर्किएको)

Description and Origination of Atavistic:

Atavistic refers to the reappearance of a trait or characteristic that is typical of a remote ancestor. It is an adjective that describes something as being ancient or having characteristics of a previous era. The term originated from the Latin word “atavus,” meaning ancestor. Atavistic traits can be observed in various aspects of life, including biology, psychology, and culture.


1. Modern (आधुनिक)

2. Contemporary (समकालीन)

3. Progressive (प्रगतिशील)

4. Advanced (उन्नत)

5. Innovative (नवीन)

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