associate law

Associate Law Meaning in Nepali: सहकारी कानून, सहकारी विधि, सहकारी नियम, सहकारी अधिनियम

Nearby Words:

Noun: lawyer (वकिल), court (अदालत), judge (न्यायाधीश), legislation (विधान), legal system (कानूनी प्रणाली)

Verb: associate (सहभागी), collaborate (सहयोग गर्नु), cooperate (सहकार्य गर्नु), join (संयुक्त हुनु), unite (एकीकृत गर्नु)

Part of Speech:



(uh-soh-shee-it law)

Associate Law Synonyms:

1. Cooperative Law (सहकारी कानून)

2. Collaborative Law (सहयोगी कानून)

3. Joint Law (संयुक्त कानून)

4. Partnership Law (साझेदारी कानून)

5. Mutual Law (साझा कानून)

6. Allied Law (संबद्ध कानून)

Description and Origination of Associate Law:

Associate law refers to the legal framework that governs cooperative activities and partnerships. It outlines the rights, responsibilities, and regulations for individuals or entities working together towards a common goal. This branch of law focuses on promoting collaboration, cooperation, and mutual benefit among associates. It originated from the need to establish legal guidelines for various forms of partnerships and cooperative ventures. By understanding associate law, individuals and organizations can ensure fair and equitable practices in their collaborative endeavors.


1. Dissociate Law (असहभागी कानून)

2. Separate Law (अलग कानून)

3. Individual Law (व्यक्तिगत कानून)

4. Disunite Law (विभाजित कानून)

5. Isolate Law (अलग गर्नु कानून)

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