Assistances Meaning in Nepali: सहायता, सहयोग, सहायताका, सहायतामा, सहायताको
Nearby Words:
Noun: assistance (सहायता), assistant (सहायक), assist (सहयोग), associational (संघीय), association (संघ)
Verb: assist (सहयोग गर्नु), associate (संघीय गर्नु), assemble (संघ गर्नु), assert (अभिकथन गर्नु), assess (मूल्यांकन गर्नु)
Part of Speech: Noun
Pronunciation: (uh-sis-tuhns-iz)
Assistances Synonyms:
1. help – मद्दत
2. support – समर्थन
3. aid – सहायता
4. backing – समर्थन
5. service – सेवा
6. cooperation – सहकार्य
Description and Origination of Assistances:
Assistances refer to the act of helping or supporting someone in a particular task or situation. It is derived from the word “assist” which means to give aid or support. Assistances can be in the form of guidance, resources, or physical assistance. It plays a crucial role in various aspects of life, such as education, healthcare, and emergencies. The concept of assistances is universal and is present in every culture and society. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration and empathy towards others. By providing assistances, individuals can make a positive impact on the lives of others and contribute to the overall well-being of society.
1. hindrance – बाधा
2. obstruction – अवरोध
3. resistance – प्रतिरोध
4. opposition – विरोध
5. discouragement – निराशा
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