As for Meaning in Nepali: नेपालीमा “as for” भनेको अर्थ छ। यसका केही नेपाली अर्थहरू छन्: यसको सम्बन्धमा, यसको बारेमा, यसको हेतु, यसको निम्ति, यसको सम्बन्धी, यसको बारेमा।
Nearby Words:
Preposition: बारे, बाट, लागि, लाई, निम्ति, हेतु
Adverb: बारे, बाट, लागि, लाई, निम्ति, हेतु
Part of Speech of As for:
As for is a preposition and an adverb.
Pronunciation of As for:
(æz fɔr)
As for Synonyms:
1. Regarding – सम्बन्धमा
2. Concerning – बारेमा
3. With regard to – सम्बन्धी
4. In terms of – दृष्टिमा
5. As to – बारेमा
6. About – बारे
Short Description and Origination of As for:
As for is a phrase used to introduce or refer to a particular topic or aspect. It is commonly used in English language to indicate the speaker’s opinion or perspective on a subject. The phrase originated from Middle English and has been in use since the 14th century.
1. Against – विपरीत
2. Opposite – विपरीत
3. Contrary to – विपरीत
4. In contrast to – विपरीत
5. Unlike – विपरीत
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