artificial respiration

Artificial Respiration Meaning in Nepali

Artificial respiration, also known as “प्राकृतिक श्वासदान” or “कृत्रिम श्वासदान” in Nepali, refers to the process of providing assistance to a person who is unable to breathe on their own. It involves manually delivering breaths to the person’s lungs, either through mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or using a mechanical device.

Nearby Words

  • Artificial – कृत्रिम (adjective)
  • Respiration – श्वासदान (noun)
  • Meaning – अर्थ (noun)
  • Nepali – नेपाली (noun)
  • Process – प्रक्रिया (noun)
  • Assistance – सहायता (noun)

Part of Speech: Artificial respiration is a noun phrase.

Pronunciation: (ahr-tuh-fish-uhl res-puh-rey-shuhn)

Artificial Respiration Synonyms

  • Rescue breathing – उद्धार श्वासदान
  • Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation – मुख-मुखमा पुनर्जीवित गर्ने
  • Ventilation – श्वासदान
  • Breathing assistance – श्वास सहायता
  • Airway management – हावामार्ग प्रबन्ध
  • Respiratory support – श्वासनीय समर्थन

Artificial respiration is a life-saving technique used in emergency situations when a person’s breathing is compromised. It originated as a medical procedure in the early 18th century and has since evolved with advancements in technology and medical knowledge.


  • Natural respiration – प्राकृतिक श्वासदान
  • Spontaneous breathing – स्वतः श्वासदान

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