
Art Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, the word “art” can be translated into several meanings, including कला (kala), शिल्प (shilpa), कलाकृति (kalakriti), कलाकारी (kalakari), and कला साहित्य (kala sahitya).

Nearby Words

– Noun: कला (kala), शिल्प (shilpa), कलाकृति (kalakriti), कलाकारी (kalakari), कला साहित्य (kala sahitya)

– Verb: कला गर्नु (kala garnu), शिल्प गर्नु (shilpa garnu), कलाकृति गर्नु (kalakriti garnu)

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: (ahrt)

Art Synonyms

1. Craft – शिल्प (shilpa)

2. Creation – कलाकृति (kalakriti)

3. Fine art – कला (kala)

4. Skill – कौशल (kaushal)

5. Talent – प्रतिभा (pratibha)

6. Workmanship – कार्यकुशलता (karyakushalta)

Description and Origination of Art

Art is a form of expression that encompasses various creative activities, such as painting, sculpture, music, dance, and literature. It allows individuals to communicate their thoughts, emotions, and ideas through different mediums. Art has been an integral part of human civilization since ancient times, with evidence of artistic creations dating back thousands of years. It plays a significant role in preserving cultural heritage, reflecting societal values, and inspiring imagination. Art is a universal language that transcends barriers and connects people from different backgrounds.


1. Science – विज्ञान (vijnan)

2. Technology – प्रविधि (pravidhi)

3. Engineering – यांत्रिकी (yantriki)

4. Mathematics – गणित (ganit)

5. Logic – तर्क (tark)

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