arm in arm

Arm in Arm Meaning in Nepali

The phrase “arm in arm” in Nepali can be translated into several meanings, including: साथमा हात, हातमा हात, हातमा हात बाँधेर, हातमा हात लिएर, हातमा हात दिएर।

Nearby Words

  • Arm (noun) – हात
  • In (preposition) – मा
  • Arm (verb) – सजाय

Part of Speech: The phrase “arm in arm” functions as an adverbial phrase.

(Pronunciation: arm in arm [ahr-m in ahrm])

Arm in Arm Synonyms

  • Hand in hand – हातमा हात
  • Side by side – एकै पातमा
  • Together – सँगै
  • Linked – जोडिएको
  • United – एकीकृत

Description and Origination: The phrase “arm in arm” refers to two or more people walking or standing closely together, with their arms linked or held around each other. It signifies unity, companionship, and support. This phrase is commonly used in Nepali literature, songs, and everyday conversations to depict a strong bond between individuals.


  • Apart – अलग
  • Separated – छुटेको
  • Divided – विभाजित
  • Isolated – अलग
  • Disunited – विच्छेदित

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