
Archaeologists Meaning in Nepali: ऐतिहासिकज्ञ, पुरातात्विकज्ञ, पुरातात्विक, ऐतिहासिक, पुरातात्विकताविद्, ऐतिहासिकताविद्

Nearby Words:

Noun: ऐतिहासिकताविद, पुरातात्विकताविद्, ऐतिहासिकज्ञ, पुरातात्विकज्ञ, पुरातात्विक, ऐतिहासिक

Adjective: ऐतिहासिक, पुरातात्विक

Part of Speech:




Archaeologists Synonyms:

1. Historian – ऐतिहासिकज्ञ

2. Antiquarian – पुरातात्विकज्ञ

3. Excavator – खननयन्त्री

4. Anthropologist – मानवशास्त्री

5. Researcher – अनुसन्धानकर्ता

6. Scholar – विद्वान्

Description and Origination:

Archaeologists are experts who study human history and prehistory through the excavation of artifacts, structures, and other physical remains. They analyze and interpret these findings to understand past cultures, societies, and civilizations. Archaeologists play a crucial role in uncovering and preserving our collective heritage. The field of archaeology originated in the 19th century and has since evolved with advancements in technology and methodology.


1. Builder – निर्माता

2. Creator – सृजनकर्ता

3. Developer – विकासकर्ता

4. Innovator – नवीनताकर्ता

5. Pioneer – अग्रणी

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