
Alloy Meaning in Nepali

Alloy meaning in Nepali: यौगिक, मिश्रण

Pronunciation: (uh-loy)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Alloyed (verb) – मिश्रित
  • Allot (verb) – बाँट्नु
  • Allotment (noun) – आवंटन
  • All-out (adjective) – पूर्णतया
  • Allottee (noun) – आवंटन प्राप्तकर्ता


  • Mixture
  • Blend
  • Compound
  • Composite
  • Amalgam


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

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Alloy refers to a substance made by combining two or more elements, especially to create a material with improved properties. In Nepali, alloy is translated as “यौगिक” and “मिश्रण”. It is pronounced as “uh-loy” and functions as a noun.

Some nearby words related to alloy include “alloyed” (मिश्रित), “allot” (बाँट्नु), “allotment” (आवंटन), “all-out” (पूर्णतया), and “allottee” (आवंटन प्राप्तकर्ता).

Synonyms for alloy include mixture, blend, compound, composite, and amalgam.

Unfortunately, no direct antonyms for alloy were found in Nepali.

For further information and detailed definitions, you can visit,, or

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