
All Meaning in Nepali

All meaning in Nepali can be translated into two or three different meanings: सबै, सब, सबैलाई.

Pronunciation: (awl)

Part of Speech: adjective, pronoun, adverb

Nearby Words:

  • Allege (verb) – दावा गर्नु, आरोप लगाउनु
  • Allegiance (noun) – निष्ठा, बद्धता
  • Allocate (verb) – आवंटन गर्नु, खर्च गर्नु


  • Entire
  • Whole
  • Every
  • Complete
  • Total


None (कुनै पनि विपरीतार्थी शब्द छैन)

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Remember, “all” is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to convey inclusiveness or entirety. It is important to understand the appropriate usage of this word to ensure effective communication.

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