

Meaning in Nepali: वायुमार्गी

Pronunciation: (एयरमेल)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Airport: noun – विमानस्थल
  • Aircraft: noun – विमान
  • Airway: noun – वायुमार्ग
  • Airborne: adjective – वायुमार्गी
  • Airspace: noun – वायुमार्ग


  • Aviation
  • Postal service
  • Mail
  • Post
  • Correspondence


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

To find more information about “airmail,” you can visit the following websites:

Airmail, or वायुमार्गी in Nepali, refers to the system of sending mail or packages by aircraft. It is a noun and commonly used in the context of postal services. Airmail is an essential means of communication, especially for international correspondence, as it allows for faster delivery compared to traditional mail services. The term “airmail” can also be used to describe the letters or packages that are sent through this method. Synonyms for airmail include aviation, postal service, mail, post, and correspondence. Unfortunately, no direct antonyms for airmail exist in Nepali. For further information and a comprehensive understanding of airmail, you can refer to,, and