air marshals

Air Marshals

Meaning in Nepali: वायु सुरक्षा अधिकृतहरू, वायु सुरक्षा अधिकारीहरू

Pronunciation: (air marshals) [air mahr-shuhls]

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • aircraft (noun) – विमान
  • airport (noun) – विमानस्थल
  • airline (noun) – एयरलाइन
  • airplane (noun) – वायुयान
  • airspace (noun) – वायुमार्ग


  • sky marshals
  • flight marshals
  • aviation security officers
  • airline security personnel
  • aviation law enforcement officers


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

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Remember to always prioritize safety and security while traveling by air.

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