
Adulterant Meaning in Nepali

Adulterant (अपशिष्ट) is a noun in Nepali language. It refers to something that is added to a substance, usually food or drink, in order to lower its quality or purity. Adulterants are often added to increase the quantity or make the product appear more appealing, but they can be harmful to health.

Pronunciation: (uh-duhl-tuh-rant)

Nearby Words:

  • Adulterate (verb) – मिलाउनु, मिश्रण गर्नु
  • Adulteration (noun) – मिलाउने क्रिया, मिश्रण
  • Adulterer (noun) – अपशिष्ट खाने व्यक्ति
  • Adulteress (noun) – अपशिष्ट खाने महिला
  • Adulterously (adverb) – अपशिष्टपूर्वक


  • Impurity – अशुद्धता
  • Mixture – मिश्रण
  • Contaminant – दूषित
  • Diluent – पतला कर्कश
  • Debasement – अवमूल्यन


The antonym of adulterant in Nepali is “शुद्ध” (Shuddha), meaning pure.

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