
Adulate: Meaning in Nepali

Adulate (चापलूसी गर्नु, खुशामद गर्नु) is a verb in Nepali that means to praise or flatter someone excessively or insincerely.

Pronunciation: [ad-yuh-leyt]

Part of Speech: Verb

Nearby Words:

  • Adulation (चापलूसी) – Noun, excessive admiration or praise
  • Adulator (चापलूस) – Noun, a person who excessively praises or flatters
  • Adulatory (चापलूसीको) – Adjective, characterized by excessive praise or flattery


  • Flatter (खुशामद)
  • Worship (पूजा गर्नु)
  • Glorify (महिमा गर्नु)
  • Brownnose (चापलूसी गर्नु)
  • Butter up (मक्खन लगाउनु)


The antonym of adulate in Nepali is:

  • Insult (अपमान गर्नु)

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