
Acidulous Meaning in Nepali

Acidulous (अम्लात्मक, अम्लयुक्त) is an English word that can be translated into Nepali as अम्लात्मक, अम्लयुक्त.

Pronunciation: (uh-sij-uh-luhs)


Part of Speech:


Nearby Words:

  • Acidify (Verb) – अम्लीकृत गर्नु
  • Acidosis (Noun) – अम्लोजन्यता
  • Acidulate (Verb) – अम्लीकरण गर्नु
  • Acid (Noun) – अम्ल
  • Acidic (Adjective) – अम्लात्मक


  • Tart
  • Sour
  • Pungent
  • Sharp
  • Tangy


Antonyms of acidulous in Nepali are अम्लात्मकताको अभाव, अम्लात्मकताको विपरीत.

About Acidulous

Acidulous is an adjective that describes something having a slightly sour or acidic taste or character. It can refer to the taste of certain foods or drinks, such as citrus fruits or vinegar. Acidulous can also be used metaphorically to describe a person’s sharp or sarcastic manner of speaking. Synonyms for acidulous include tart, sour, pungent, sharp, and tangy. The word is derived from the Latin word “acidulus,” meaning slightly sour. In Nepali, acidulous can be translated as अम्लात्मक or अम्लयुक्त. It is important to note that acidulous is an adjective and not a noun or verb. It is commonly used in culinary contexts or to describe someone’s speech or demeanor. For more information and examples, you can refer to,, or