Account Holder
Meaning in Nepali: खाता धारक, खाता संचालक
Pronunciation: (अकाउन्ट होल्डर)
Part of Speech: Noun
Nearby Words:
- Account: Noun – खाता, Verb – खाता खोल्नु
- Holder: Noun – धारक, संचालक
- Bank: Noun – बैंक, Verb – बैंकमा राख्नु
- Transaction: Noun – लेनदेन, Verb – लेनदेन गर्नु
- Balance: Noun – शेष, Verb – शेष राख्नु
- Depositor
- Client
- Customer
- Subscriber
- Member
No direct antonyms found in Nepali.
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Account holder refers to an individual or entity that owns or has control over a financial account. In Nepali, it is translated as “खाता धारक” or “खाता संचालक.” As a noun, an account holder is someone who holds or operates an account, typically with a bank. The term can also be used in the context of various other accounts, such as online accounts or subscription-based services.
Some nearby words related to account holder include “account” (खाता), “holder” (धारक, संचालक), “bank” (बैंक), “transaction” (लेनदेन), and “balance” (शेष). These words provide additional context and understanding of the term.
Synonyms for account holder include “depositor,” “client,” “customer,” “subscriber,” and “member.” These words can be used interchangeably in certain contexts.
Unfortunately, no direct antonyms for account holder were found in Nepali.
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