

Pronunciation: (uh-brij-muhnt)


Meanings in Nepali:

  1. संक्षेप (sankshep)
  2. संक्षेपण (sankshepan)

Nearby words:

  • Abbreviation – संक्षेप (sankshep)
  • Abstract – सारांशिक (saranshik)
  • Summary – संक्षेप (sankshep)
  • Condensation – संक्षेपण (sankshepan)
  • Reduction – कमी (kami)


  • Summary
  • Condensation
  • Digest
  • Abstract
  • Compendium


  • Expansion – विस्तार (vistaar)
  • Elaboration – विस्तार (vistaar)

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An abridgment, pronounced as (uh-brij-muhnt), is a noun that has two Nepali meanings: संक्षेप (sankshep) and संक्षेपण (sankshepan). It refers to a shortened or condensed version of a written work, speech, or other forms of expression. Abridgments are often created to provide a concise summary or overview of the original content.

Some nearby words related to abridgment include संक्षेप (sankshep) meaning “abbreviation,” सारांशिक (saranshik) meaning “abstract,” and कमी (kami) meaning “reduction.”

Synonyms for abridgment include summary, condensation, digest, abstract, and compendium. On the other hand, antonyms of abridgment are विस्तार (vistaar) meaning “expansion” and विस्तार (vistaar) meaning “elaboration.”

For further information on abridgment, you can visit dictionary.com, wikipedia.org, or thefreedictionary.com.