above ground

Above Ground

Pronunciation: (uh-buhv ground)

Part of Speech: Adjective

Above Ground refers to something that is situated or occurring on the surface of the earth, rather than below it. It can also be used to describe something that is not underground or underwater.

Nearby Words:

  • Abode – निवास
  • Absence – अनुपस्थिति
  • Abandon – त्याग्नु
  • Absorb – शोषण गर्नु
  • Absurd – अद्भुत
  • Abundance – प्रचुरता
  • Abide – बस्नु

Above Ground Synonyms:

  • Surface
  • Exterior
  • Visible
  • Outdoors
  • Overhead
  • Upstairs

Above Ground Antonyms:

  • Underground – भूमध्ये
  • Subterranean – भूमध्ये
  • Below
  • Underneath
  • Submerged – डुबेको

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