

Pronunciation: (uh-blahwt)


Ablaut is a linguistic term that refers to the systematic variation of vowels within a word to indicate grammatical functions or to create different forms of the same word. It is commonly used in the study of Indo-European languages.

Nepali Meanings:

  • अव्ययिक रूप (avyayik rup) – grammatical form
  • ध्वनिक बदलाव (dhwanik badalav) – phonetic change

Nearby Words:

  • Accent (उच्चारण, ध्वनि) – stress, pronunciation
  • Inflection (बदलाव, विकार) – change, alteration
  • Morpheme (धातुवाचक, शब्दांश) – word element, linguistic unit
  • Phoneme (ध्वनितत्व, ध्वनि) – speech sound, unit of sound


  • Vowel gradation
  • Vowel alternation
  • Vowel mutation


  • Stagnation (निष्क्रियता, ठप्पी) – inactivity, lack of change

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