
Assimilations Meaning in Nepali: अनुकरण, समानीकरण, समानीकरणहरू, समानीकरणका, समानीकरणको

Nearby Words:

Noun: अनुकरण, समानीकरण, समानीकरणहरू

Verb: समानीकरणका, समानीकरणको

Part of Speech:

Noun, Verb



Assimilations Synonyms:

1. Integration – एकीकरण

2. Incorporation – समावेश

3. Absorption – समावेशन

4. Assimilation – समानीकरण

5. Adaptation – अनुकरण

6. Conformity – अनुरूपता

Description and Origination:

Assimilations refer to the process of integrating or incorporating new information or ideas into existing knowledge or beliefs. It involves adapting and conforming to new concepts, ultimately leading to a comprehensive understanding. Assimilations originated from the Latin word “assimilatio,” meaning “likeness” or “resemblance.” It is a fundamental cognitive process that allows individuals to acquire and incorporate new knowledge into their existing mental frameworks.


1. Differentiation – भिन्नता

2. Segregation – अलगाव

3. Separation – विभाजन

4. Disintegration – विघटन

5. Exclusion – अपवाद

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