Assent Meaning in Nepali: अनुमोदन, सहमति, मान्यता, स्वीकृति
Nearby Words:
Noun: Agreement (सहमति), Consent (सहमति), Approval (मान्यता), Permission (अनुमति)
Verb: Accept (स्वीकार गर्नु), Approve (मान्य गर्नु), Concur (सहमत हुनु)
Part of Speech of Assent:
Pronunciation of Assent:
Assent Synonyms:
Agreement, Consent (सहमति), Approval (मान्यता), Acquiescence (सहमति), Concurrence (सहमति), Compliance (अनुपालन)
Assent is a noun that refers to the expression of approval or agreement. It can also mean giving permission or consent. The word originated from the Latin word “assentire,” which means “to agree.”
Disagreement (असहमति), Dissent (असहमति), Refusal (मनाई), Denial (अस्वीकार), Rejection (अस्वीकार)
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