
Arrowheaded Meaning in Nepali

Arrowheaded, तीरपाती, तीरपातीको, तीरपातीले, तीरपातीबाट, तीरपातीद्वारा

Nearby Words

– Arrowhead (noun) – तीरपाती, तीरपातीको, तीरपातीले, तीरपातीबाट, तीरपातीद्वारा
– Arrowhead (adjective) – तीरपाती, तीरपातीको, तीरपातीले, तीरपातीबाट, तीरपातीद्वारा
– Arrowhead (verb) – तीरपाती, तीरपातीको, तीरपातीले, तीरपातीबाट, तीरपातीद्वारा

Part of Speech

Arrowheaded is an adjective.



Arrowheaded Synonyms

1. Pointed – तीरपाती
2. Sharp – तीक्ष्ण
3. Tapered – तीरपाती
4. Acute – तीरपाती
5. Piercing – तीरपाती
6. Edged – तीरपाती

Description and Origination

Arrowheaded refers to something that has the shape or characteristics of an arrowhead. It is commonly used to describe objects or features that are pointed, sharp, or tapered like the tip of an arrow. The term originates from the combination of the words “arrow” and “headed,” indicating the resemblance to the pointed end of an arrow. In Nepali, arrowheaded is translated as “तीरपाती” (teerpati).


1. Blunt – नुक्कीलो
2. Rounded – गोलाकार
3. Dull – निस्तेज
4. Flat – तल्लो
5. Obtuse – नुक्कीलो

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