Alacarte Meaning in Nepali
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning in Nepali:
- अलाकार्ट (alākārṭ)
- व्यक्तिगत खाना (vyaktigat khānā)
Nearby Words:
- À la mode: Noun – आदर्श या फैशन के अनुसार
- À la carte: Adverb – व्यक्तिगत खाना
- À la: Preposition – तरह से
- Customizable
- Individualized
- Personalized
- Selective
- Bespoke
Set Menu (सेट मेनु)
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Alacarte, derived from French, refers to a type of menu where individual dishes are priced separately. In Nepali, it is translated as “अलाकार्ट (alākārṭ)” or “व्यक्तिगत खाना (vyaktigat khānā).” As a noun, it signifies the option to choose and pay for each dish separately, rather than opting for a fixed menu or package. The pronunciation of “alacarte” is (al-uh-kart).
Some nearby words related to “alacarte” include “à la mode” (आदर्श या फैशन के अनुसार), “à la carte” (व्यक्तिगत खाना), and “à la” (तरह से). These words are often used in the context of food and dining.
Synonyms for “alacarte” include customizable, individualized, personalized, selective, and bespoke. On the other hand, the antonym for “alacarte” is “set menu” (सेट मेनु).
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