
Agitated Meaning in Nepali

Agitated meaning in Nepali: उत्तेजित, अशान्त, चिडचिडापन (uttejit, ashaant, chidchidapan)

Pronunciation: (ag-i-tey-tid)

Part of Speech: adjective

Nearby Words:

  • Agitate (verb) – उत्तेजित गर्नु, अशान्त गर्नु (uttejit garnu, ashaant garnu)
  • Agitation (noun) – उत्तेजना, अशान्ति (uttejana, ashaanti)
  • Anxious (adjective) – चिन्तित, उत्सुक (chintit, utsuk)
  • Restless (adjective) – अशान्त, बेचैन (ashaant, bechain)
  • Irritated (adjective) – चिडचिडित, चिढ़चिढ़ाउनु (chidchidit, chidchidaunu)


  • Disturbed
  • Upset
  • Restless
  • Distressed
  • Aggravated


No exact antonyms found in Nepali.

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Agitated refers to a state of being disturbed, upset, or restless. It is an adjective that describes someone or something experiencing intense emotional or physical turmoil. In Nepali, agitated can be translated as “उत्तेजित” (uttejit), “अशान्त” (ashaant), or “चिडचिडापन” (chidchidapan).

Some nearby words to agitated include “agitate” (उत्तेजित गर्नु, अशान्त गर्नु), “agitation” (उत्तेजना, अशान्ति), “anxious” (चिन्तित, उत्सुक), “restless” (अशान्त, बेचैन), and “irritated” (चिडचिडित, चिढ़चिढ़ाउनु).

Some synonyms for agitated include disturbed, upset, restless, distressed, and aggravated. However, no exact antonyms were found in Nepali.

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