Meaning in Nepali: साधारणतया, उपलब्धि, सफलता
Pronunciation: (uh-cheev-muhnt)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Accomplishment: noun – सिद्धि, पूर्णता
- Success: noun – सफलता, यश
- Triumph: noun – विजय, जीत
- Victory: noun – विजय, जीत
- Progress: noun – प्रगति, उन्नति
- accomplishment
- attainment
- success
- triumph
- victory
No direct antonyms found in Nepali.
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Achievement refers to the act of accomplishing or attaining something. It is a noun that signifies the successful completion of a task or the realization of a goal. In Nepali, achievement is commonly translated as “साधारणतया,” “उपलब्धि,” or “सफलता.” Achievements are often seen as positive outcomes resulting from hard work, dedication, and perseverance.
Some nearby words related to achievement include “accomplishment” (सिद्धि, पूर्णता), “success” (सफलता, यश), “triumph” (विजय, जीत), “victory” (विजय, जीत), and “progress” (प्रगति, उन्नति). These words share similar connotations and are often used interchangeably in various contexts.
While achievement has several synonyms such as “accomplishment,” “attainment,” “success,” “triumph,” and “victory,” no direct antonyms were found in Nepali.
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