cajanus cajan

Cajanus Cajan Meaning in Bengali

Cajanus Cajan, commonly known as pigeon pea, has several meanings in Bengali. It is known as “Arhar” or “Tur” in Bengali, which refers to the plant and its lentil-like seeds. Other meanings include “Toor Dal” or “Kandul” which specifically refer to the split and skinned pigeon peas used in cooking.

Part of Speech

Cajanus Cajan is a noun.


The pronunciation of Cajanus Cajan is [kuh-jey-nuhs kuh-jan].

Nearby Words

1. Chickpea (noun) – Chhola (ছোলা)
2. Lentil (noun) – Masoor Dal (মসুর ডাল)
3. Black-eyed pea (noun) – Kalo Matar (কালো মাটার)

Cajanus Cajan Synonyms

1. Pigeon pea – কাবুলি ডাল, see more about pigeon pea meaning in Bengali
2. Red gram – মসুর ডাল, see more about red gram meaning in Bengali
3. Congo pea – কংগো ডাল, see more about congo pea meaning in Bengali
4. Gungo pea – গুঙ্গো ডাল, see more about gungo pea meaning in Bengali

Origin of Cajanus Cajan

The origin of Cajanus Cajan is believed to be in India.


1. Lentil – মসুর ডাল, see more about lentil meaning in Bengali
2. Chickpea – ছোলা, see more about chickpea meaning in Bengali

Usage in English Sentences

1. Pigeon pea is a popular ingredient in Bengali cuisine. (কাবুলি ডাল বাঙালি রান্নার একটি জনপ্রিয় উপকরণ।)
2. I love the taste of Cajanus Cajan soup. (আমি কাবুলি ডালের সুপের স্বাদটি ভালবাসি।)
3. The farmer harvested a bountiful crop of pigeon peas. (কৃষকটি একটি প্রচুর পরিমাণের কাবুলি ডাল সংগ্রহ করেছেন।)
4. Pigeon pea is a rich source of protein. (কাবুলি ডাল প্রোটিনের একটি সমৃদ্ধ উৎস।)
5. She added Cajanus Cajan to enhance the flavor of the curry. (তিনি রান্নার স্বাদ বাড়ানোর জন্য কাবুলি ডাল যোগ করেছেন।)

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For Further Information

For further information about Cajanus Cajan, you can refer to the following sources: