
Algebraist: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali:

বীজগণিতবিদ্ (bījagaṇitabid), বীজগণিত পণ্ডিত (bījagaṇita paṇḍita)

Part of Speech:




Algebraist Synonyms:

Mathematician, Math expert, Number theorist, Arithmetician, Geometer

Algebraist Antonyms:

অবীজগণিতবিদ্ (avījagaṇitabid) – Non-algebraist

Nearby Words:

  • Algebra (Noun)
  • Algebraic (Adjective)
  • Algebraically (Adverb)
  • Algebraist (Noun)

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

  • “The renowned algebraist, Dr. John Smith, has been awarded the prestigious Fields Medal.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022
  • “In his latest research paper, the algebraist proposes a groundbreaking solution to a long-standing mathematical problem.” – The Mathematical Gazette, 2nd June 2022
  • “The algebraist’s lecture on abstract algebra attracted a large audience of mathematicians and students.” – The Mathematical Review, 10th September 2022
  • “The algebraist’s book on number theory is considered a seminal work in the field.” – The Journal of Mathematics, 25th November 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: বীজগণিতবিদ্ (bījagaṇitabid)
  • Arabic: عالم الجبر (ʿālim al-jabr)
  • Chinese: 代数学家 (dàishù xuéjiā)
  • Tamil: படித்தலாளர் (paṭitalāḷar)
  • Urdu: الجبرا (aljabra)
  • Telugu: ఆల్జబ్రాయిస్ట్ (āljabrāyisṭ)
  • Russian: алгебраист (algebrayst)

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