barbecue sauce

## Barbecue Sauce Meaning in Bengali

বার্бекিউ সস, বারবিকিউ সস, বারবিকিউ সস

### Part of Speech


### Pronunciation

[ˈbär-bə-ˌkyü ˈsôs]

## Nearby Words

### 1. Barbecue


### 2. Barbecue Grill

*বার্бекিউ গ্রিল

### 3. Barbecue Pit

*বার্бекিউ পিট

## Barbecue Sauce Synonyms

### 1. BBQ Sauce

### 2. Grilling Sauce

### 3. Marinade

### 4. Basting Sauce

### 5. Dipping Sauce

## Origination of ‘Barbecue Sauce’

The term ‘barbecue sauce’ originated in the United States in the early 19th century. It is believed to have been derived from the Spanish word ‘barbacoa’, which refers to a method of cooking meat over an open fire.

## Antonyms

### 1. Salad Dressing

### 2. Vinaigrette