against the grain

Against the Grain: Meaning in Bengali

Meaning in Bengali:

বিপরীত মত, বিপরীত পথে, বিপরীত প্রতিষ্ঠানে, বিপরীত প্রতিষ্ঠানের বিরুদ্ধে (biporit mot, biporit pothe, biporit protishthane, biporit protishthaner biruddhe)

Part of Speech:



[uh-genst thuh greyn]


Contrary to popular belief, Opposite to the norm, Unconventional, Nonconformist, Maverick


সাধারণ মতে, স্বাভাবিকভাবে (sadharan mote, svabhavikbhabe)

Nearby Words:

1. Against:

Preposition – বিরুদ্ধে (biruddhe)

2. Grail:

Noun – পবিত্র পাত্র (pobitro patro)

3. Grains:

Noun – অনাজ (anaj)

4. Grained:

Adjective – ধানের মতো (dhaner moto)

Sentences from Newspapers:

1. “The decision to invest in renewable energy goes against the grain of traditional business practices.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022.
2. “The artist’s unique style of painting goes against the grain of conventional art.” – The Daily Sun, 20th April 2022.
3. “The team’s strategy of playing defensively went against the grain of their usual attacking approach.” – The Independent, 5th May 2022.
4. “The politician’s controversial statement went against the grain of public opinion.” – The Dhaka Tribune, 10th June 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: বিপরীত মত (biporit mot)
– Arabic: ضد التيار (didd altayar)
– Chinese: 违背常规 (wéibèi chángguī)
– Tamil: முன்னிட்டு செல்லும் (munniṭṭu cellum)
– Urdu: خلاف عادت (khalaf eadat)
– Telugu: గ్రేన్ వ్రాయించి (grēn vrāy̒nci)
– Russian: вопреки общепринятому мнению (vopreki obshcheprinyatomu mneniyu)

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