
Accoutrement: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: পরিধান, পরিধানসামগ্রী, পরিধানসামগ্রিক, পরিধানসামগ্রীকরণ

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: uh-koo-truh-muhnt

Accoutrement Synonyms:

Equipment, Gear, Apparatus, Paraphernalia, Trappings, Accessories, Outfit, Regalia, Kit, Tackle

Accoutrement Antonyms:

Disarray, Disorder, Disorganization, Unadornment, Unattire

Nearby Words:

1. Attire: Noun – Clothing or garments.

2. Adornment: Noun – Decoration or embellishment.

3. Appurtenance: Noun – An accessory or additional item.

4. Implement: Noun – A tool or instrument used for a specific purpose.

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. The Times of India (June 15, 2022): The soldiers were equipped with modern accoutrements to face any challenge.

2. The Guardian (July 3, 2022): The fashion show featured stunning models adorned with exquisite accoutrements.

3. The New York Times (August 10, 2022): The detective’s accoutrements included a magnifying glass, notepad, and a trusty sidearm.

4. The Sydney Morning Herald (September 1, 2022): The chef’s accoutrements consisted of a set of sharp knives, a cutting board, and various cooking utensils.

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: পরিধান

Arabic: مستلزمات

Chinese: 配件

Tamil: அணிகலன்கள்

Urdu: سازوسامان

Telugu: అంగవస్త్రం

Russian: снаряжение

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