
Afflatus: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Afflatus meaning in Bengali: উদ্ভাস (udbhāsa), প্রেরণা (prērṇā), আবেগ (ābēga), উদ্দীপনা (uddīpanā)

Part of speech: noun

Pronunciation: uh-fley-tuhs

Afflatus Synonyms

Inspiration, creativity, genius, muse, revelation, insight, divine influence, motivation, stimulation, encouragement

Afflatus Antonyms

Blockage, stagnation, apathy, indifference, discouragement

Nearby Words

1. Affliction (noun) – আপত্তি (āpatti)

2. Affluent (adjective) – ধনী (dhani)

3. Affirmation (noun) – নিশ্চয়করণ (niścayakaraṇa)

4. Affable (adjective) – সুখের মতো (sukhēra matō)

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers

1. “The artist’s afflatus was evident in every stroke of the brush.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022

2. “The writer’s afflatus resulted in a masterpiece that touched the hearts of many.” – The National Herald, 2nd June 2022

3. “The musician’s afflatus led to a mesmerizing performance that left the audience in awe.” – The Evening Gazette, 10th September 2022

4. “The scientist’s afflatus paved the way for groundbreaking discoveries in the field of medicine.” – The Scientific Journal, 25th November 2022

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: উদ্ভাস (udbhāsa)

Arabic: إلهام (ilham)

Chinese: 灵感 (línggǎn)

Tamil: மனதின் மேல் வந்த மகிழ்ச்சி (maṉatiṉ mēl vanta makilcci)

Urdu: الہام (ilham)

Telugu: ఆవేశం (āvēśaṁ)

Russian: вдохновение (vdokhnoveniye)

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