
Agglutinate: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: সংযুক্ত করা, সংযুক্ত হত্তয়া, সংযুক্ত করা, সংযুক্ত হত্তয়া, সংযুক্ত করা, সংযুক্ত হত্তয়া, সংযুক্ত করা, সংযুক্ত হত্তয়া

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: uh-gloo-tuh-neyt

Agglutinate Synonyms:

Combine, Unite, Join, Connect, Attach, Bond, Fuse, Merge, Blend, Cohere

Agglutinate Antonyms:

Separate (আলাদা করা), Disconnect (বিচ্ছিন্ন করা), Detach (বিচ্ছিন্ন করা), Divide (বিভক্ত করা)

Nearby Words:

Agglomeration (Noun), Agglutination (Noun), Aggravate (Verb), Aggregate (Noun), Aggression (Noun)

Sentences used in different newspapers:

1. “The government plans to agglutinate various departments to improve efficiency.” – The Daily News, 15th March 2022

2. “The company’s strategy is to agglutinate different technologies to create innovative products.” – The Business Times, 20th April 2022

3. “The artist’s work agglutinates different art forms, resulting in a unique masterpiece.” – The Art Gazette, 5th May 2022

4. “The team’s success can be attributed to their ability to agglutinate individual talents into a cohesive unit.” – The Sports Tribune, 10th June 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: সংযুক্ত করা

Arabic: لاصق

Chinese: 粘结

Tamil: இணைக்கும்

Urdu: چسپاں کرنا

Telugu: జోడించు

Russian: агглютинировать

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